Brand identity design

Your brand identity is the experience of or feeling about your company that you transmit to your clients. It’s much more than just a simple logo and a brand name. It’s all about recognizability, trust and enthusiasm. The philosophy behind it should fit perfectly with your target group.
So, where do you start?
What do you want to communicate to your clients?
Do you know exactly what your target market is and what appeals to them? At times companies, think their target group is clear, but then thorough research reveals it to be different. So, knowing exactly who you’re talking to is the first step in the communication.
When you already have a brand identity, check if it fits with the image potential clients get when they see it for the first time. A good first impression is very important because it makes people eager to see more of your company. A good overall design helps them understand your message better and faster. Together, this will result in greater interest in your product or service.
To communicate the company’s image and message in the best possible way, we are not only talking about a kick-ass logo. Think also of illustrations, shapes, colors and photography. Later it should even be translated to the way you write text, to give one a strong overall feeling of an indisputable brand. Why? Because strong, consistent brands are more successful. So work on that brand identity to come across as a strong brand.
Greater success through a unique corporate identity
A strong brand identity will increase brand awareness of your company because a strong corporate identity will linger. It will be easier for customers to think back to your company’s earlier communications.
Showcase your vision and mission in your company’s designs and show your target audience why you are different from your competitors. Maybe your product or service is already unique, but whatever it is, everyone is unique, and that must be reflected in your corporate identity and all communication. For example, a design for your website should not make clients think, “Hey, where did I see that before?” You must include every detail of the main design idea in all communication. Mailchimp is a good example. The company’s name and logo shows that it is professional but still cool and funny. This comes back whatever you do within their services, the website works easily, cool design and several times the company made us laugh with funny messages and images. Therefore, it’s a consistent and strong brand, which made me want to work with them.
Need some help?
If you want to become a brand instead of a company with a name but you are not fully confident that you know your target group, Bitterblond is happy to help you with an extensive target group and style analysis. We would also love to help you to develop a strong brand identity design.
Contact us without obligation. We are happy to meet you for coffee in Barcelona or via Skype to discuss your company’s needs.
- Published in Brand Identity